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JICL, which began publication in June 2014, welcomes contributions on contemporary issues of law not only in the areas of international law and comparative law, but also national and regional legal developments which will be of interest to a much wider audience. It welcomes interdisciplinary contributions especially those that tangibly link such disciplines as social sciences, economics, international politics, media studies and other fields of research and academic debate that may be more empirically based but of major significance in influencing the focus and reform of law in its national and global contexts.

JICL invites contributions from established as well as young scholars on all areas of law, be they jurisprudential, historical, black-letter or contextual.

Full length articles provide an opportunity for in-depth analysis of legal issues which may be approached, inter alia, from an historical, social, economic or contextual perspective. Shorter contributions enable our authors to critically comment, relatively quickly, on recent legal developments. JICL will also publish book review articles giving the reviewer an opportunity to share their own thoughts on the subject matter of the reviewed book.

Currently we are receiving submissions for publication in 2025 ~ 2026. Submissions may be sent to Professor Anton Cooray at to whom any inquiries may also be directed.

For full details see submissions

Editorial Board


Anton Cooray

Professor of Law at City, University of London and Senior Associate Research Fellow of the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, University of London.


Guiguo Wang

President of the Academy of International Strategy and Law, University Professor Zhejiang University, China; Eason-Weinmann Chair of International and Comparative Law, Tulane University Law School, USA


Luye Mou

Luye Mou, Associate Professor, Guanghua Law School, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China

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JICL welcomes full length articles (generally not exceeding 13,000 words inclusive of footnotes), shorter contributions in the form of notes and comments (generally not exceeding 8,000 words inclusive of footnotes) and book review articles of not more than 6,000 words.

We accept contributions for consideration on an exclusive submission basis. When submitting an article please certify that it is an unpublished article (that is, it has not been previously published in substantially similar form or with substantially similar content) and that it is not under consideration by any other journal.

To facilitate anonymous review, please give the names of authors and their short biographical information and acknowledgments in a separate page.

Authors retain copyright in the words used, but upon submission of material for publication, grant Sweet & Maxwell a licence to publish the submission in print and/or digital formats. Sweet & Maxwell retains copyright in the design, format and layout of all material published in JICL.

Once submissions are published, authors are entitled to one copy of the issue, 10 offprint copies and a PDF version of the submission.

Authors who send articles published in JICL to other publishers or media must include a reference to the publication of the article by JICL and Sweet & Maxwell.

Contributions and book reviews should be submitted in Microsoft Word format by way of email attachment to Professor Anton Cooray at

Style Guide

Authors should follow the OSCOLA citation system (, except that we prefer authors to use indenting sparingly.

JICL uses the following heading levels: Main headings are in bold and preceded by a Roman numeral; second-level headings are in bold and italics and preceded by an uppercase alphabet; third-level headings are preceded by an Arabic numeral; and fourth-level headings are in italics and preceded by a lowercase alphabet.